You don’t have to break the bank to acquire new clientele for your moving company. Implementing the right moving company marketing ideas has the potential to deliver more customers than you might think. Considering how many businesses across all industries rely on digital marketing channels, integrating postcards into your strategy could be just what the doctor ordered. You’ll find all the insight you need to get your first postcard marketing campaign off the ground below.
Why Sending Postcards is Among the Most Effective Moving Company Marketing Ideas You Can Implement
Nowadays, considering how many national franchises you could find yourself competing with, you’ll need to pull out all the stops to reach your goals. Relying on just one or two platforms won’t work. Here are a few of the key benefits that come as a result of leveraging direct mail campaigns:
- Postcards Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs:
Minimizing the amount you spend to acquire new customers could have a positive impact throughout your business. The low costs associated with postcard marketing campaigns, combined with its enhanced targeting abilities enable you to spend less while connecting with more leads that are likely to use your moving services. The formula for calculating your customer acquisition costs is simple. Just divide your campaign costs by the amount of customers you gained during the course if it.
- Postcards Make Taking the Next Steps Simple:
Another benefit of a postcard marketing campaign is that you can use postcards to direct recipients onto your booking site. Including your booking site gives recipients a reason to keep your mailer on hand, too. Scheduling moving services using the link on the postcard they were just sent may be easier for your audience than going to Yelp or Angi to find a moving company.
- Direct Mail Offers a Variety of Targeting Options:
There are numerous ways postcard marketing campaigns enable you to reach your target audience. You can rely on GrowMail’s targeted direct mail software to reach recipients based on their household size, age and more. Options like Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) enable you to select recipients based on their geographic locations. We’ll go into more detail about your mailing options in a bit.
Thoroughly Research All of Your Mailing Options
If you’re new to direct mail campaigns, you may be unaware of how many mailing options are at your disposal. A few of the most common options for sending postcards include:
Suppose there’s a certain neighborhood you’d like to begin earning more clients in. These types of situations are when EDDM campaigns shine brightest. That’s because EDDM campaigns enable you to send your postcard to each address on a specific mailing route. And you can use GrowMail’s EDDM map tool to research and secure your mailing routes, ensuring that you’re mailing areas containing a high concentration of residents who’d value your message.
- Discount Zones:
This option exclusively offered from GrowMail, Discount Zones enable you to reach select mailing routes for a fraction of the cost of EDDM campaigns. The big difference between EDDM and Discount Zones, aside from price, is that Discount Zones are first come, first serve. If someone already has your preferred mailing route reserved for a mailing campaign, you’ll have to wait for it to free up. You can use the Discount Zone map tool to search for mailing routes, along with their availability.
- Saturation Direct Mail:
An option that bridges the gap between targeted direct mail and EDDM, saturation mail delivers the best of both worlds. That’s because you can use it to saturate your message throughout any given mailing route, and because you can use it to create your own mailing list. And saturation mailing rates start off as low as $0.19 per piece!
Why Leveraging User Generated Content is Among the Best Moving Company Marketing Ideas
When crafting marketing materials for a moving company, don’t over emphasize your own Brand’s voice. But you can’t allow yourself to exclude happy customers from your marketing materials. After all, prospective clients are highly likely to believe the words of other customers. Emphasizing the use of user generated content in your marketing materials ensures that you’ll make inroads with recipients who are on the fence about using your moving services. If you’re unfamiliar with user generated content, it encompasses content from customers like star ratings and testimonials.
Nowadays, you should expect that leads will be doing research on their options for movers in the form of reading reviews. By including reviews or testimonials in your postcards, you could wind up answering common questions regarding your services. Let’s say for instance that you’ve included a review that speaks to how well your staff handles larger items like a flat-screen television. This type of review could ease concerns leads have regarding your ability to transport their most prized possessions. And that could go a long way in delivering more clients for your company.
Track The Results of Your Campaigns
Now that you’ve got an idea of what moving company marketing ideas are capable of delivering results, you need to determine how to track your campaign results. A few of the most common tracking methods for mailing campaigns include:
- QR Codes:
Restaurants aren’t the only places QR codes are being put to use. Including a QR code on your postcards that drives recipients to your booking site allows you to track how many recipients found your message intriguing enough to engage with it. Once your campaign ends, you’ll be able to easily see how many people scanned it.
- Unique URL:
You don’t have to stop at including your general URL on your postcards. Including a tracking URL on your mailers that leads recipients onto your booking website allows your audience to quickly and easily book moving dates. This simplifies tracking since anyone who books using the tracking URL found your company as a result of your mailing campaign.
- Tracking Phone Number:
Tracking phone numbers are as straightforward as they sound. By including a special tracking phone number on your postcards, you could easily trace phone calls that result in moving appointments back to your campaigns. And at the conclusion of your campaign, you’ll be able to tell how many calls you received as a result of your postcards.
Implement Proven Moving Company Marketing Ideas With GrowMail!
You don’t have to embark on your journey with direct mail alone. The specialists at GrowMail are well equipped to help you implement these battle-tested moving company marketing ideas. If you’re ready to begin mailing, request a free quote today!