As autumn approaches, there’s no time like the present to begin thinking about your holiday season marketing plans. After all, the holidays will be here before you know it! That’s why you need to begin developing an understanding of all the different resources that are capable of helping you make this holiday season your most successful one yet. Direct mail is right at the top of the list when it comes to marketing resources that can be leveraged during the holidays for increased sales.
And that’s especially true when you automate your campaigns with a trusted direct mail API. There are numerous reasons why a direct mail API is a must for taking your black Friday marketing strategy from good to great. Those reasons include:
Using a Direct Mail API to Automate Black Friday Postcard Marketing Campaigns Saves Time
It’s no secret that the holiday season is the busiest time of the year. So why not lighten your workload by incorporating a direct mail API that automates your campaigns into your strategy? The benefits are immense. Not only will relying on automation allow you to focus on other, more pressing tasks, you’ll also benefit from the results you receive.GrowMail’s direct mail api can be seamlessly integrated with many of the marketing tools you already rely on.
This means, you can use your customer data to send mail based on pre-defined triggers and customer behavior details that you’ve logged. Let’s say you’d like to mail postcards to customers that haven’t shopped with your brand in the past 90 days. You could easily create a campaign that sends personalized mailers with verbiage expressing how much you miss them that gets sent once 90 days have been reached since their last purchase. And by including a unique discount code that expires, you can really create the urgency necessary to get them to return.
Relying on a Direct Mail API for Your Black Friday Postcard Marketing Strategy Provides You With Valuable Insights
Being able to track the impact of your marketing campaigns this holiday season could yield big returns for your business all throughout the new year. That’s why tracking the results of your Black Friday postcard marketing campaigns is so pivotal. Once your campaign concludes, and you begin analyzing your results, you can use these findings to optimize future campaigns for even better results. All you have to do is ensure that you track your Black Friday postcard marketing campaigns.
A few methods you can use for tracking include:
- Tracking Phone Numbers
This is one of the most effective methods for understanding how impactful your postcard is. The way tracking phone numbers work is simple. Let’s say someone opens their mailbox and receives your mailer. Then they decide to call for more info. The phone number they dial from the mailer is different from the number you’d ordinarily use, allowing you to associate any activity that results from the call to your campaign. - QR Codes
You can achieve two goals by adding QR codes onto your postcards. The first is increasing engagement by capturing the attention of your audience. After all, it’s not every day you get mail that asks you to scan a code. And when recipients do scan, you’ll be able to easily see how many people did. This provides an idea of how well your mailer did at resonating with recipients. - Landing Pages
Making unique landing pages a part of your strategy also provides multiple benefits. The first is that it allows you to combine your digital marketing efforts with your direct mail strategy. Additionally, if you’ve included a unique landing page on your mailer you can see how much traffic it’s generated from the mailers you sent once your campaign ends.
Postcards Give Your Audience a Break From Being Inundated With Other Types of Advertising
We all know that advertising goes into another gear once the holidays arrive. That’s why you need to be sensitive to the fact that your audience may be growing tired of the same digital ads, and commercials they’ve been dealing with all year. By creating an effective Black Friday postcard marketing strategy, you can stand out to your audience by giving them a break from the same marketing methods they may be tired of seeing. And this could be a great way to build goodwill with recipients.
This is the perfect opportunity to “zig” while your competitors “zag”. If you oversaturate the same channels as your competitors, your message is more likely to be lost in a sea of others. And failing to differentiate your messaging could leave you with less than stellar results. By ensuring that your effective Black Friday postcard marketing strategy contains all the elements of a winning campaign, you can achieve the marketing results you’re hoping for.
Postcard Marketing APIs Help Make Your Mailers More Personalized
Underestimating the importance of personalization is a particularly costly mistake, especially during the holiday season. Leveraging your first-party data with a direct mail API helps marketers create highly personalized Black Friday marketing campaigns by allowing users to do the following:
- Add General Information
Don’t miss a golden opportunity to make a great first impression with your audience. By including a stellar design, along with a personalized greeting, you’ll be well on your way. It’s impossible to overstate the impact of using a personalized greeting, instead of a generic one. It could be the difference between recipients reading your mailer and saving it, or readers throwing it in the trash. - Leverage Product-Based Insights
GrowMail’s postcard marketing API allows users to seamlessly integrate a variety of marketing insights into your campaign. That’s why GrowMail users have the ability to leverage numerous insights they’ve collected over time. Suppose you’ve just restocked a hot-seller of an item. You can use GrowMail’s direct mail API to send a mailer to everyone in your database who’s ordered that item at least once. This could re-engage shoppers who you haven’t heard from in a while by providing a relevant update.
- Acknowledge Big Milestones or Events
Every brand under the sun is busy sending sales collateral as the holidays approach. That’s why you can stand out by sending mail simply acknowledging certain holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions by sending an automated postcard. A well-designed mailer that acknowledges a special time in your audience’s lives could have a bigger impact on your Black Friday postcard marketing results than you think.
Begin Constructing Your Black Friday Postcard Marketing Strategy Today With GrowMail
Don’t procrastinate developing your Black Friday marketing strategy. Book a free marketing consultation today to discuss the role postcard marketing could play in boosting your holiday sales. Our seasoned, knowledgeable marketing specialists are more than capable of helping you exceed your goals for Black Friday. It will be here before you know it, too. So book your free consultation below to begin constructing Black Friday marketing strategy today!